DeFi Product — MDX&USDT

4 min readNov 3, 2021

▶ What is MDEX(MDX) ?

MDEX is a new distributed transaction protocol. It is an automated market creation (AMM) distributed exchange protocol based on the concept of a fund pool that shares some similarities with the standard DEX, but uses dual chains modeled after the Ethereum network and Huobi Ecological Chain (HECO) to differentiate them from competitors to access the liquidity of the Ethereum ecosystem.

It is the Autonomous Market Maker (AMM) Distributed Exchange (DEX) of Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Huobi Eco Chain (HECO), and the project aims to create a high-performance DEX ecosystem and provide multi-chain support. Users can exchange assets between BSC, Ethereum and HECO through the Mdex Bridge.

MDEX, a trading platform built above HECO, has an estimated cost of $0.001 for each transaction, with a transaction speed of 3 seconds. Most of the DeFi projects live in Ethereum networks with ERC-20 assets, but face problems with high gas fees and slow trading speeds during the transition to Ethereum 2.0. If most of the newly developed protocols want a fast adoption rate, they consider the scalability factor of selecting a blockchain network. Huobi Chain-based Mdex claims unique chain-based characteristics with the aim of preventing scalability issues.

Reason for recommendation:

  1. High probability of MDX price increase

2. TVL Excellent

3. Suitable long trading coin

MDX/USDT LP DPI Participation Method — Web (WEB)

Step 1: Access

Step2: Sign up for BitClover Exchange (

Step3: Buying MDX, BNB coins on the exchange

※ Note: BNB coins are used as fees for the corresponding DeFi.

Step4: Create a wallet

  1. Add extension and create wallet after searching for Metamask wallet in Chrome web store.

(TIP!! Click the top [Allow expansion of other stores] when proceeding in a browser other than Chrome)

Step 5: Add BSC Chain to Metamask Wallet

1) Click Metamask in the extension.

2) Click Network in the upper right corner to select custom RPC.

3) Complete the smart chain by entering and saving the information below.

Step 6: Add MDX coin to Metamask wallet.

1) Click Import Tokens in your wallet.

2) Search MDX in Coin Market Cap, copy the contract address, and paste it into your wallet.

Withdrawal of MDX and BNB coins from bitclover to metamask (BSC chain).




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